A 21 years expertise in managing Disability & Diversity at work gathered for you in an innovative Online Course, regardless your level of knowledge on the subject!


The training course allows people to familiarise themselves with the issues involved in disability in a professional environment, to tackle the subject confidently in business (recruitment interview, integration, working with a disabled colleague on a day-to-day basis, etc.), to respond to employees' specific needs or to take the right decisions for each situation involving disability at work.).

Copie d'écran du SPOC, formateur en train d'expliquer une notion avec soit un fond gris soit en fond des personnes travaillant dans un Open Space

After completing the course, you'll be able to :

  • tackle the subject confidently in business
  • respond to employees’ specific needs
  • communicate efficiently on the issue with your team
  • improve your management skills, from the induction interview to the day-to-day working relationships

 Target Groups

Anyone who will be supervising a disabled person (manager, supervisor, HR, tutor, etc.) - private or public sector.

